Unraveling the Structure-reactivity Relationship of CuFe2O4 Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion: A DFT study
编号:91 稿件编号:167 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2023-03-22 16:44:22 浏览:845次 口头报告

报告开始:2021年08月10日 02:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[P] 大会报告 » [2] 分会场一:反应器设计及系统优化


CuFe2O4 is an emerging high-performance oxygen carrier for Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is an emerging combustion technology, which is hailed as the most promising technology to reduce combustion-derived CO2 emission. While CuFe2O4 oxygen carriers with minute structural difference could be largely divergent in the reactivity for CLC process, which seems not raise much concern by neither experimental nor computational studies. Herein, based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we compare the performance of three well-documented CuFe2O4 configurations as oxygen carriers in CLC process and relate the reactivity difference to their structural nuances. The reaction mechanisms of representative CLC reactants (i.e., CH4, H2, and CO) over different CuFe2O4 configurations are explored in-depth. DFT calculations indicate that among different CuFe2O4 configurations, the distribution, orientation and activity of O/Cu/Fe sites vary largely over the respective CuFe2O4(100) surfaces, thus affecting the adsorption and oxidation of CLC reactants. Fe atoms, especially in the configuration 3, are observed to exhibit higher exposure degree and afford lower steric hindrance to interact with CH4 and H2, thereby facilitating higher adsorption energies and lower dissociation energy barriers correspondingly. The distribution of low coordination O sites as well as the Fe-Cu synergistic effect are revealed to promote the dissociation reaction of both CH4 and H2. For the case of CO, O sites generally exhibit higher adsorbing capacity than Cu/Fe sites that can directly react with CO to produce CO2. O sites in configuration 3 are observed with generally lower oxygen vacancy formation energy as well as steric hindrance, thus affording facile activation of CO. The structure-performance relationship revealed in this work is of positive significance to the design of high-performance spinel CuFe2O4 oxygen carriers.
chemical looping combustion,CuFe2O4 oxygen carries,Structure-reactivity relationship,DFT calculations
学生 东南大学

厉志鹏 东南大学
汤红健 东南大学
段伦博 东南大学
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祝   星(昆明理工大学):13987129614,zhuxing2010@hotmail.com

李孔斋(昆明理工大学): 13648857565,kongzhai.li@aliyun.com


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