Preparation of spinel catalyst and its properties of oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane chemical chain
稿件编号:173 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2023-03-22 16:09:23 浏览:296次
The cyclic oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene is a cleaner and less energy consuming technology than steam cracking. In previous experiments, spinel oxygen carrier (AB2O4) has a high lattice oxygen capacity.Therefore, in this study, the B-site element of spinel MgX2O4 (X=Cr, Mn, Fe) type oxygen carrier was changed to explore the research properties of CL-ODH of ethane.The results show that MgCr2O4 achieves 44.24% conversion and 36.2% yield at 625℃.The conversion rate of MgMn2O4 is 33.86% and the yield is 70.52% at 750℃, and there is room for further improvement.
Ethane, chemical looping, oxidative dehydrogenation, oxygen carrier, spinel