Iron-containing industrial solid wastes as oxygen carriers for chemical looping hydrogen generation
稿件编号:185 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2023-03-22 15:53:28 浏览:318次
The oxygen carrier is vital to chemical looping hydrogen generation. Developing low-cost oxygen carriers is of great significance to the engineering application of chemical looping techniques. Two pyrite cinders and four iron ores were used as oxygen carriers for biomass chemical looping hydrogen generation. The objective of this study is to analyze the redox properties and hydrogen generation performance of different iron-containing industrial solid wastes (ICISW) in a fixed-bed reactor using model gas from biomass pyrolysis as reducing gas. The results showed that the pyrite cinders had the highest CO2 selectivity and hydrogen generation among the 20 redox cycles. Experiments were also carried out at different reaction temperatures to study the effect of reaction temperature on the redox activity and hydrogen generation of ICISW. The characterization analysis of SEM presented that the surface microstructure of pyrite cinders could maintain stable, indicating that pyrite cinders had high anti sintering ability in the redox cycle, so they had high hydrogen production. Carbon deposition was not formed during the reduction process, and H2 purity remained at 100% during the whole water splitting process. This study gives a research basis for the application of ICISW in chemical looping hydrogen generation.
Hydrogen; Chemical looping technique; Iron-containing industrial solid wastes; Oxygen carrier