Chemical looping combustion characteristics of special core-shell structured CaSO4-CuFe2O4 mixed oxygen carrier with coal
编号:61 稿件编号:84 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2023-03-22 11:07:26 浏览:307次 口头报告

报告开始:2021年08月10日 08:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[P] 大会报告 » [2] 分会场一:反应器设计及系统优化


Resource utilization of the CaSO4 industrial byproduct as oxygen carrier (OC) in chemical looping combustion (CLC) is of great significance due to its attractive advantages including easy availability, low cost, large oxygen content as well as great potential to avoid the environmental harms during storage. But the gaseous sulphur released from the CaSO4 side reactions is always a great concern, which not only deteriorates the reactivity of CaSO4 but also causes pollution to the environment.
In order to improve the reactivity of CaSO4 as well as efficiently control the gaseous sulphur emission from the CaSO4 side reactions, a novel CaSO4-CuFe2O4 mixed OC of special “core-shell” structure was firstly prepared using the novel template combined preparation method. Its reaction characteristics with a typical lignite was evaluated and the particular combined oxygen transfer mechanism involved was revealed, wherein both the CuFe2O4 (Fig 1) and the substrate CaSO4 transfer their lattice oxygen in sequence firstly and then the reduced Cu and Fe3O4 would further in situ regain the lattice oxygen from the substrate CaSO4 and transfer their recovered oxygen again to coal. And thus, the greatly enhanced reactivity (Fig 2) of this CaSO4-CuFe2O4 mixed OC was reached as expected for sufficient conversion of coal, and the CO2 yield was greatly improved as shown in Fig 3. 
Furthermore, the sulphur transformation and redistribution during the CaSO4 mixed OC reaction with coal was studied in detail. Complete analysis of the sulphur species indicated that there existed great potential to directionally fix the gas sulphur released from the side reactions of CaSO4 as solid sulphides and thus realized the in-situ desulphurization.
   Overall, the mixed OC of CaSO4-CuFe2O4 OC possessed good reactivity and directional fixation of the gaseous sulphur, which benefited simultaneous carbon capture and in-situ desulfuration in CLC, as such was quite attractive in the future application.
Chemical looping combustion; CaSO4-CuFe2O4 mixed OC; template combined preparation method; oxygen transfer mechanism; Simultaneous carbon capture and sulfur removal;
College of Electric Power; North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

WangBaowen College of Electric Power; North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power
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祝   星(昆明理工大学):13987129614,

李孔斋(昆明理工大学): 13648857565,


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