Thermodynamic analysis of chemical looping coupling process for coproducing syngas and hydrogen with in situ CO2 utilization
稿件编号:15 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2023-03-22 10:05:07 浏览:874次
Chemical looping steam methane reforming (CL-SMR) is an emerging technology that enables achievement of both F-T ready syngas and high-purity hydrogen simultaneously without additional separation steps via the cycling of solid oxygen carrier (OC). For the methane oxidation with OC, the product distribution is closely related to the oxygen species of OCs. Generally, the active surface oxygen of OC firstly reacted with CH4 obtaining CO2 and H2O, and then less active lattice oxygen selectively oxidizes CH4 to CO and H2. To improve syngas selectivity, the initial formed CO2 should be minimized. Compared with air oxidation, weak oxidants (H2O) usually can enhance the syngas selectivity, but cannot completely regenerate the structure of OCs, resulting in the decrease of cyclic stability. It is hard to consider both the cyclic stability and syngas selectivity, because that the regenerated OCs by strong oxidant (air/O2) inevitably results in the enrichment of active surface oxygen species, thereby decreasing the syngas selectivity. Currently, most works focused on the screening and design of OCs. However, the initial formed CO2 was hardly avoided over the modified OC, which leads to the decreased syngas selectivity and the increased CO2 emission.
Here, we proposed a novel chemical looping coupling system for coproducing syngas and hydrogen with in situ CO2 utilization. It integrates chemical looping combustion, chemical looping reforming, CO2-H2O co-splitting, hydrogen production and air oxidation using CH4 as fuel and iron oxide as oxygen carrier (Fig. 1). In this process, syngas and H2 purification, in addition to CO2 capture and storage are no longer necessary. It not only produces high-purity hydrogen and syngas without pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, but realizes the sufficient utilization of feed and oxygen carriers. A detailed thermodynamic analysis of the proposed chemical looping coupling process was conducted by Aspen Plus. The effects of key parameters, such as feed ratio, temperature, and pressure in each reactor on the process performance were investigated in terms of the utilization of CH4, the yield and purity of syngas and hydrogen, and the oxygen carrier coupling. In addition, the energy balance was analyzed for the coupling system with heat exchanger network.
Chemical looping; CO2 utilization; Process coupling. Syngas and hydrogen; Thermodynamic analysis
西北大学 化工学院
西北大学 化工学院
西北大学 化工学院
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