Mechanism of trace elements (As and Se) sequestration using CaO in the CO2-containing flue gas by DFT calculations
编号:135 稿件编号:150 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2023-03-23 19:32:37 浏览:311次 张贴报告

报告开始:2021年08月09日 15:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[P] 大会报告 » [2] 分会场一:反应器设计及系统优化


Coal combustion as the largest anthropogenic emission source of trace elements (TEs), such as arsenic and selenium, has attracted widespread attention. CaO has been researched for a long time as an effective adsorbent in arsenic and selenium removal from flue gas due to its advantages of low cost and possible adsorption capability. Calcium looping (CaL) based on CaO sorbents has also been identified as one of the most promising technologies for CO2 capture. This paper aims at explaining the mechanisms of the effect of CO2 existed in the flue gas on the As2O3 and SeO2 adsorption characteristics by CaO using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results show that As2O3 and SeO2 prefer to locate at the top-sites of O atoms, exhibited by the overlapped electron density cloud. The adsorption energies of As2O3 and SeO2 are -2.21 eV and -2.05 eV, both of which are lower than that of CO2 adsorption. This phenomenon suggests that the surface bindings to As2O3 and SeO2 are stronger than CO2. The optimized co-adsorption structures of TEs and CO2 on CaO (100) surface verify the higher preferential adsorption of As2O3 and SeO2 on the CaO (100) surface, compared with the adsorptions of CO2. Carbonation is a competitive reaction during the TEs removal by CaO and the effect of CO2 on the interaction between TEs species and CaO cannot be ignored, considering the flue gas always contains a high concentration of CO2. Pre-adsorbed CO2 by CaO changes the original electronic field of CaO surface, which weakens the electron transfers from the surface to As and Se atoms. The average adsorption energies of TEs molecules in four orientations on the surface O atoms next to the pre-adsorbed CO2 are 0.5%-88% higher than those without CO2. This work provides the adsorption mechanisms of TEs on CaO-based sorbents, which is beneficial for the design of effective capture technologies.
heavy metal,trace element,calcium looping,CO2 capture,density functional theory
老师 山东科技大学

马晓彤 山东科技大学
李珺 山东科技大学
黄兴康 山东科技大学
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祝   星(昆明理工大学):13987129614,

李孔斋(昆明理工大学): 13648857565,


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