The effect of calcination condition on the cyclic energy storage performance of calcium-based materials with hollow microstructure
编号:101 稿件编号:154 访问权限:仅限参会人 更新:2023-03-23 14:32:58 浏览:352次 张贴报告

报告开始:2021年08月09日 23:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[P] 大会报告 » [2] 分会场一:反应器设计及系统优化


Calcium looping (CaL) is considered an ideal candidate for large-scale energy storage systems due to its high energy density, no heat loss and low cost. Its degrading performance over consecutive energy storage/release cycles under realistic conditions is the main inhibiting factor for application in concentrated solar power (CSP) systems. In this work, a novel calcium-based material with hollow microstructure was prepared using limestone, aluminum nitrate and cotton as raw materials. The effects of calcination conditions (850 oC, pure N2; 950 oC, pure CO2; 750 oC, pure H2O; 850 oC, pure H2O; 950 oC, pure H2O; 950 oC, 60%H2O/CO2; 30%H2O/CO2) on the cyclic energy storage performance of synthesized materials were studied. The energy storage density of the synthesized materials is 2427 kJ/kg in the 10th cycle under pure N2. The hollow tubular structure of the cotton is preserved and stabilized by the support of Ca12Al14O33, which provides a good channel for the diffusion of CO2 in particles. Under pure CO2, the energy storage density of the synthesized materials after 10 cycles is maintained at 97% of its original values, while that of limestone is only maintained at 16%. The energy storage density of the synthesized materials at 850 °C in pure H2O atmosphere is 1.13 times that at 950 °C in pure CO2 atmosphere in the 10th cycle. 87%, 84% and 83% of the energy storage density of the synthesized materials at the first cycle are maintained after 10 cycles at the steam concentrations of 30%, 60% and 100%, respectively. The synthesized materials calcined under pure H2O atmosphere shows the best performance at the 750 oC in the 10th cycle, which is 1.22 times higher than that at 950 oC. The presence of steam decreases the calcination temperature during the calcination process, which effectively mitigates the sintering effect.
energy storage; calcium-based material; calcium looping; reaction condition; steam atmosphere
学生 山东科技大学

黄兴康 山东科技大学
马晓彤 山东科技大学
李珺 山东科技大学
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祝   星(昆明理工大学):13987129614,

李孔斋(昆明理工大学): 13648857565,


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